Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my studio digital figure images.

"Studio Digital Figures"

On December 21, 1996, I purchased an Olympus D-200L Digital Camera. It had the capability of resolving 20 images at 640x480 pixels. I quickly learned that when I used the camera's flash indoors, the images have a flat look and the tell-tale flash shadow was ever present. However, when used with 500 watt tungsten lighting the digital images were really quite good. Initially the images range from 40 to 60 Kb in size and reduce nicely for display on the web as images of 12 to 20 Kb in size. These low-resolution images are adequate for creating images for web page use, but do not enlarge well for printing. Suffice to say, the work I did until early 2000 with the D-200L camera marked my entry into the world of digital imaging.

Included here are some of the low resolution digital imaging that was done in the studio in 1997..

"Studio Digital Figures" - Gallery 1

"Shelly #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, March, 1997) (SMKd0007.jpg)

"Shelly #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, May, 1997) (SMKd0049.jpg)

"Micah #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, August, 1997) (MB082611.jpg)

"Micah #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, August, 1997) (MB082619.jpg)

"Melanie #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, August, 1997) (MM091002.jpg)

"Melanie #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, August, 1997) (MM081411.jpg)

"Melanie #3"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, August, 1997) (MM081404.jpg)

"Stacie #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, August, 1997) (SN072913.jpg)

"Stacie #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, August, 1997) (SN072909.jpg)

"Nicole #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, May, 1997) (MNAd0092.jpg)

"Nicole #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, May, 1997) (MNAd0097.jpg)

"Nicole #3"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, May, 1997) (MNAd0080.jpg)

All images: Copyright 1997 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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This page was published on 11/28/1997.

Updated 10/1/2004, at 12:45 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage